thanks for writing about this! I think more people became aware of this this year and it's important that we keep talking about it

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See also Psycho-/Rockabilly subculture with their permanent and unreflected glorification of the confederate flag.

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Very interesting article, I was not aware of the previous controversies (to put it mildly, inviting the bm and neo-folk band and claiming to be uNpOLiTiCaL is bs to me). On the topic of far-right symbols: the website indextreme ( https://indextreme.fr/categories.html ) lists far-right symbols relevant to France (but not only), under several categories (acronyms, animals, runes, flags, numbers, etc.). Might be an interesting resource for the French-speaking folks

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Thanks for linking this! Much appreciated.

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I have been working on a problem band list for the past few years for personal DJing purposes as I don't want to promote bands that stand for something I do not. People often ask to see it so I started adding evidence I could find online as well. This list includes fascists, abusers and so on. My goal is simply to put the information out there and hopefully people will make good decisions based off knowing. I can show it but in the end people decide for themselves what to do with it.

It is fantastic to see a blog like this. If you would like a copy of what I have so far feel free to contact me. A different list based on my own (some different bands and is not updated like mine has been) is also available here - https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/musicbox/problematic-bands

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I found this list yesterday, it was a bit eye opening. Do you have a public link to your own?

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I'm not into going to music festivals so I had no idea this was going on. I have put up this whole article on my blog with my response and I have directly linked this from my blog. Thank you for doing this. There really seems to be a concerning rise of white nationalists worming there way into alternative subcultures right now. https://mydystopianlife.com/2023/06/my-reaction-to-the-article-far-right-extremists-at-wgt-are-a-feature-not-a-bug/

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This year they also had Tragic Black on the lineup. Their singer follows and likes racist and transphobic people and posts on Instagram and also incorporates the themes into the lyrics on the latest albums.

See https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/comments/1ao0mbu/tragic_blacks_shift_to_the_right/ and https://imgur.com/a/VdEmN5M

I informed them of this via email but haven't heard back.

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What a stupid article. Maybe try first to make a degree in school and read some books to find out what means left and right. This here is just blaming people and artists.

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without wanting to seem polemical, then stay away, and leave the people who see it differently than you in peace, what is so difficult about it? you obviously didn't deal with the material, otherwise you wouldn't have so many gross content errors in it and you don't mention the majority of bands at the WGT that express exactly the political opposite of the ideologies you describe. so please, stay away, because the WGT is really no place for demagogues and extremists like you.

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